lucky designs image

< observation.... >

3:11 a.m.

cant sleep.

life does suck. in reality there is nothing that is guarunteed. pleasure is merely fleeting and never permenant. people who think they are happy usually arent. name one form of happiness that is always there, etched in you.

i say....not alot.. but i think that if life really can only be this shitty we might as well either kill ourselves or go through life looking for someone, for something, that will give us a lasting pleasure. something that will fullfill others as well as ourselves. we're dying as we speak. end it now or just do something. no one knows emotionally and spiritually how you die so make it count i suppose. lame i know. but. then theres those phucks. those people that can only beignorant and ridiculously stupid that cloud our judgement. but just knowing that they do this you have already risen. not above anyone just in more understanding. there has to be something out there we can rely on. life could not have been created without some meaning. unless life is just either hope or despair that leads us down our paths. looking for something that may or may not be there. dont try so hard to understand why since.. hmm no one has yet. instead look for fnords and lick random people. i do meaningless things because that adrenaline i get from being myself creates that natural happiness. wish i had it more. but thats the thing. if you have pleasure would wear off.. happiness wouldnt be happiness. its effect would fall. and that is why they tell you to live in the moment, i think.

we're always allowed that second or third or fourth chance as long as we allow ourselves to go for a nother round. things arent hopeless because we are in charge of this stupid life some fucker handed us.

ah the things that will happen when youve watched people around you your entire life.

Before / After